Description: A Very Small Animal. A timid pink pig, about 10 inches tall.
More Description: Likes to wear a long striped shirt.
Original Address: Trespassers Will, 100 Aker Wood S.W., In a Beech Tree, South of Pooh's House
Current Address: (Lives with Pooh)
Best Friend: Winnie-the-Pooh
Favorite Food: Haycorns
Favorite Things to Do: Adventures with Pooh
Other Favorite Things: Enjoys bright colors and balloons. Likes to blow dandelions.
Details About His Original Address: Next to Piglet's house is a piece of broken board which reads: "Trespassers W".
What "Trespassers W" Stands For: Piglet says this was his grandfather's name, and it was short for "Trespassers Will", which was short for "Trespassers William".
What the Sign Said, Before it Broke: "Trespassers Will Be Prosecuted", or "Trespassers Will Be Invited For Dinner". I'm not sure which.
What He Does Every Tuesday: Spends the day at Christopher Robin's house
What Happens When He Is Nervous: His ears twitch.
First Thing He Say's in the Morning: "I wonder what's going to happen exciting today?"
Quotes and Sayings: "Oh, dear! Oh, dear, oh, dearie, dearie, dear!"
well piglet is so cute and small lovable character
ok you see my on deck looking to sexy
le-le and piglet forlife all yall hater fall back we on dack
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